Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yummy Movie Night Snack

Sometimes I'm just in the mood for some popcorn and a movie. I have an air popper that has probably been with me for more than 15 years, and it still works perfectly! I pour a half a cup of popcorn kernels, which are easy to find on the bulk foods section of my favorite food stores, into the popper. As the popcorn is popping into the bowl, I drizzle teensy bits of olive oil into it, sprinkle a little salt, and add a bit of nutritional yeast or vegan parmesan to it (in this case, Parma! from Vegan Essentials). The results are delicious and fun to eat!

1 comment:

Bianca said...

Popcorn is one my favorite foods! I really want to try Parma, but I can't buy it anywhere here. I'll have to order some....I do sprinkle nutritional yeast on my popcorn. I actually blogged about the same thing on Sunday. Ha! Great minds think alike!